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Mindfulness when Reading the News

Episode 84 of our Sedona Meditation Adventures Series

· guided meditation,new moon,healing meditation

Tough times for sensitive people who like to keep up with the news. Natural and human-caused disasters, political upheaval, and rampant misinformation.
What's a sensitive heart to do?

I'm hear today to help you use mindfulness as you're being triggered by the news. Instead of running and hiding or ignoring the news, you can use your discomfort to help get in touch with your feelings. Physical feelings - like where in your body you feel the discomfort and what, exactly, it feels like.

Once you know what you're feeling, you begin to explore what about the new story upsets you. Is something offending your values? If so, what. Try to be a specific as possible. Unpack it.

And then you can invite a solution. A human-sized solution that you can actually put into action. It could doing something to counteract the story. Perhaps you want to make a contribution to an organization that helps the people harmed. Or maybe you can volunteer your time and energy to support a cause.

Or you could say a prayer out loud to yourself and to the universe (God, Creator, Goddess...whatever your language is) to let your values be known and what you DO support. You can ask for support in helping to find balance for yourself and love to all involved.

Check out the video and see if you can begin applying mindfulness when consuming the news.