How are you faring these days? Perhaps a bit up and down? These are challenging times and it isperfectly normal to feel a myriad of feelings. Overwhelmed one minute, centered and balanced the next.
So many challenges – the pandemic, loss of loved ones,erratic weather patterns, ongoing political divisions… The list is a longone. And these are not simple issues.
Remember, dear ones, that now – more than ever – is the timeto put your wellness practices to work. It is is important to find a bit of happiness within – find your joy andlet it flow through you, if only for a few moments.
It can be easy to give in to fear and hopelessness, but thisis not the way. Get out intonature. Connect to the life and beautyall around you. Let it fill you up.
Yes, these are challenging times and they will challengeeach of us to no end. Do not give in tothe despair. We do not know the big picture– the larger story. It is not ours toknow. It IS ours to keep the faith.
Nothing soothes the soul like nature. Here in Sedona, the rocks are red, the sky isblue, and the clouds have come to deliver much-needed rainfall thissummer. So much beauty all around.
Meditation is a beautiful way to connect with yourself andthe beautiful world around you. Won’tyou take a few moments to join me in a short meditation? P