“Stillness is the altar of the spirit.” - ParamahansaYogananda
Sitting in stillness in nature is magical. Meditation in nature – under a tree, beside astream, upon a rock… anywhere! – allows you to become one with environment around you. To settle into the stillnessis to immerse yourself into the magic and harmony of life all around.
And observing the peace and beauty all around is truly magnificent. It is the same world but you see it through different eyes. Meditation helps you to be a better version of yourself.
Think about what you attract to yourself when you are in stillness versus when you are caught up in your head. Beauty versus frustration. Grace versus ego pain. Peace as opposed to chaos.
What you attract to yourself – even if only in those meditative, still states – becomes your reality. Giving yourself the gift of harmony even fora moment can show you beauty that is there for you, beauty that can change yourperspective, put a spark in your heart or a vision in your mind.
One little moment of peace and harmony can be just the rayof light you need to see yourself more clearly – to help you live more inalignment with your life’s true purpose. So, you see, sitting meditation is important. It can be a tool to help you see the beauty in all things – yourself included.
In this week’s Sedona Meditation Adventure, I share with youthe story of a beautiful deer that came to within 5 feet of me immediately following my meditation. He let me sit there and observe him for several minutes while he raided my bird feeder. It was truly amazing and a moment I willnever forget.